Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Welcome to My Blog!

Thank you for joining me on a new journey into cyberspace. This site is purely for my personal expression, related to my experiences, observations or just general musings. The opinions expressed are strictly my own (unless otherwise stated), and I am in no way affiliated with any sites for which I provide links. But donations in the form of cookies are always appreciated.

This is my very first blog entry, and I thought it appropriate in this new beginning to talk about endings. More specifically, the things we lose. It is a very sad fact that life is all about losses. Nearly everything that we hold dear or important is something we will eventually lose. At first it is a beloved toy that wears out. Then it might be a family pet you had a special relationship with. Over time, childhood friendships drift apart. Childhood itself is fleeting, although not fully appreciated until its crutch is no longer there to lean on. We spend years of our lives being educated, yet forget most of what we were taught (and that point really hits home when trying to keep up with Jeopardy!) Over time, high school and university friendships drift apart. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and ultimately our parents are taken from us. Then friends and siblings. The enthusiasm we feel for a new career might wane. Romantic relationships come and go, and even if you're fortunate enough to find the true love of your life, 'til death do you part, the passion has a half-life. Physical strength diminishes over time, as do our five senses. Finally, there's no escaping the loss of life itself.

At the end of the day, all we have to show for our lives are our memories, and it is important to have a full and vibrant life in order to preserve full and vibrant memories. But memories are just an imperfect shadow of a previous reality, like Plato's Theory of Forms. Not even the fondest memories of a lost love will cure loneliness. And when our time is up, we will lose these memories too, which is really the biggest loss of all.

I've had enough philosophisizing for today. I'm not always this depressing. Next time I'll talk about golf.


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